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Focus on Forms

Forms are a part of many martial arts, but in Taekwondo, they are called poomsae and are the heart and soul of the martial art.

Although you can’t attend class at your martial arts school, you should still keep practicing forms at home so that you’ll be ready to test for your next belt level once classes resume.

If your school is offering virtual classes during the COVID-19 pandemic, see if you can schedule a one-on-one sessions with an instructor to critique your form. If this is not an option for you, here are some things to keep in mind when practicing your forms according to

Blocking motions should start and stop where they will be effective. Striking techniques should begin at the hip and use the appropriate follow through. Balance, control, and proper foot positions should be used with kicking skills.

It’s important to learn as much as possible about the particular form. You should know the pattern, stances and techniques in as much detail as possible. Knowing the history of the form will inspire you in practice and adds enrichment to the experience.

Since the poomsae is a “simulated combat,” you must look where your imaginary opponent is located. Imagining an opponent will develop the precision of the attack and defense techniques. Middle punches should strike the imaginary opponent’s chest, high blocks should redirect high punches, and high kicks should hit the opponent’s face.

Proper posture from a good stance enables you to use maximum force. Balance allows us to control that force and to continue with the next technique quickly and efficiently.

You should perform the poomsae so that each motion is completed fully, and then move on to the next without hesitation. This does not imply doing the actions in a rapid fashion but rather performing each motion properly.

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